Over the years, “cat furniture” has become pretty popular among pet owners everywhere. The blanket term may refer to any number of items, including cat beds, cat trees, kitty gyms, catwalk shelving, cat houses, hidden litter boxes, and more.
It makes sense that cat furniture is so popular. In most cases, these pieces are fun for your cat, and it gives her something that’s all her own. Unfortunately, cat furniture can often come with a pretty hefty price tag, and although it may seem like there are countless options available on the market today, it can be challenging to find something that is the perfect fit for your home.
So, we’ve rounded up a few great ideas for DIY cat furniture that we’re sure you’ll love. Not only do these DIY treasures come at a fraction of the cost, they are fun to create, and they give you the opportunity to build custom cat furniture that is the right size, shape, and color for your home.
Photo Credit: Tabbymom Jen via Compfight cc
DIY Cat Tree House
This great plan from Instructables.com hits all the high notes: it offers perching opportunities for your furry friend, a place to hide, and plenty of surface area for scratching. We also totally love that the majority of this project consists of recycled materials, which means that this cat tree is equal parts budget-friendly and eco-friendly. Check it out HERE!
DIY Cat Shelves
There are so many options for building your own cat shelving system, and all of them are sure to be a home run with just about any cat out there. These are perfect for small spaces, because they allow you to give your kitty a place to climb and play, without losing too much (if any) of your floor space.
Lowe’s offers some great plans for a very attractive wall-mount cat perch that will blend in nicely with your home’s existing décor. It’s a really pretty shelf, so you’ll definitely want to check it out HERE.
If that’s not quite your style, check out the plans from ModernCat, which offer a very easy and practical approach to the cat shelving system.
Finally, here’s a great video that we found, which makes this project look like a breeze!
DIY Hidden Litter Box
Most cat owners would agree that the litter box is their least favorite part of sharing their home with a feline companion. Well, we can’t really do anything about the chores associated with the litter box, but we can at least offer some ideas for making it more aesthetically pleasing. Here are two plans that we found for DIY hidden litter boxes:
- The HouseTweaking PAX Wardrobe Hidden Litter Box
- Litterbox-Hiding Cabinets, courtesy of LauraMakes
Cardboard Alternatives
Looking for something that you can create from items already found around your home? What about making something cute out of the cardboard boxes that your cat already loves so much? If this sounds like something that interests you, here are a couple of our favorites: The DIY Cardboard Cat Rocket, courtesy of Apartment Therapy and The DIY Cardboard Cat Castle, courtesy of Haute Nature.
Featured Photo Credit: Clint Gardner via Compfight cc