Pet Boarding Form

General Boarding Rules and Information
Please note that our boarding requirements are for the health of the pets that we are entrusted with. Please let the receptionist know at check-in if your pet needs any services performed during his/her stay. Our guest facilities are maintained with healthy pets in mind. If your pet has serious health problems (e.g., difficulty getting up, incontinence, severe skin disease), please consult with our manager. Your pet’s needs may be better served in our hospital wing.
For all our guests, we must have proof of the below-mentioned services by medical record copy, a copy of the receipt, our records, or through a phone call to the veterinary hospital that performed the required procedures. We do not accept vaccinations performed by non-veterinarians (i.e. breeders, owners, friends, etc).
We will be happy to assist you in providing any of the below-mentioned services or products upon entrance to our boarding facility. Any necessary treatment will be the responsibility of our boarding guest’s owner.

Boarding for Dogs
We offer a safe, clean and parasite-free boarding environment to accommodate dogs of all sizes. Our kennel sizes range from 21×28 for the little ones all the way to 60×134 for the big guys! We offer Kuranda Beds and soft cozy blankets to all of our guests (provided they don’t like to eat blankets!) You are welcome to bring your pets own food if they are persnickety eaters or if you wish, we provide Science Diet Adult Sensitive Stomach (we understand that being away from home could cause some stomach upset!). We also give all of our guests Brita filtered water during their stay with us. With your permission, we also keep a variety of treats on hand to make your pet feel right at home (and a bit spoiled, too!). Please keep in mind the following requirements when making your reservations with us:
- All dogs must have had an exam by a licensed veterinarian within the past 12 months.
(Why? Regular exams are important to making sure that your pet is healthy and that there are no health problems that need attention while they are staying with us) - All dogs must be current on the following vaccinations from a licensed veterinarian:
- Distemper, Adenovirus, Parvovirus (commonly given in one injection called the Distemper Injection)
- Rabies ( a potentially fatal disease to both you and your pet and required by the state of Florida)
- Bordetella (also known as “kennel cough”, a very contagious upper respiratory infection)
- Leptospirosis (a life threatening disease transmitted through the urine of infected wildlife; a waiver is available after one of our doctor’s accesses your pet’s exposure)
- All dogs must have a parasite-free fecal exam within the past twelve months.
(Why? Intestinal parasites can be easily picked up and deposited through contact with infected soil as well as fecal matter, contact with other animals, etc. In order to ensure that our environment stays parasite-free for your pet when they stay with us, we ask that your pet’s fecal matter be inspected regularly for parasites) - All dogs must be on monthly internal (such as Heartgard, Interceptor, etc.) and external (such as Advantage Multi, Frontline, Revolution, K9 Advantix) parasite prevention. (Why? External parasites have the potential to contaminate our hospital, thus putting other patients and guests at risk. Veterinarian approved monthly preventions are the best means of keeping your pet parasite-free. NOTE: If your pet is found to have fleas, we will give a Capstar pill (oral tablet that kills fleas within 30 minutes) for an additional charge.

Boarding for Cats
We offer a quiet and peaceful retreat for your feline friend. Our cat ward has individual cages for cats of all sizes. We have an extra large cat tree for our feline guests as well as plenty of cat nip, toys and cozy blankets to snuggle in. You are welcome to bring your cat’s special food or if you choose, your cat can feast on our Science Diet Adult food. All of our cats are served Brita filtered water and have “housecleaning” twice daily. Each guest gets individual attention and brushing daily to make them feel right at home. Please keep in mind the following requirements when making reservations with us:
- All cats must have had an exam by a licensed veterinarian within the past 12 months.
(Why? Regular exams are important to making sure that your pet is healthy and that there are no health problems that need attention while they are staying with us) - All cats must be current on the following vaccinations from a licensed veterinarian:
- Rabies (this is a potentially fatal disease to both you and your pet, and the state of Florida requires this vaccine)
- Panleukopenia, Feline Herpesvirus/Feline Calicivirus (these are usually given in combination, and may be referred to as a ‘Distemper vaccine’ or an ‘upper respiratory vaccine’.) (Why does my cat need these vaccines? Vaccines protect against viruses. These are viruses that are easily transmitted through air-borne particles and are highly contagious. Because our kitty boarding area has a play area (cats are NOT allowed out together, unless from the same household), it is essential that our boarding guests be well-protected from these viruses.)
- Feline Leukemia (this is a virus that can be deadly, and is transmitted primarily by cat-to-cat contact.) Why does my cat need this vaccine? Although your kitty will likely not come into contact with another kitty, we require this vaccine as an added protective measure. If you are strongly opposed to this vaccine, you may consult with our manager and sign a waiver. For his/her protection, your kitty will not be able to participate in “play time” on our kitty tree without being vaccinated against Feline Leukemia.
- All cats must have a current (within the past 12 months) Feline Leukemia/FIV (feline AIDs test). If your cat is positive for either of these diseases, we will be happy to board them after consultation with our manager. However, for their protection, we recommend that these kitties not participate in “play time” on our kitty tree. (Why does my cat need a Feline Leukemia/AIDs test? Feline Leukemia and Feline AIDs are diseases for which we have no cure, and they are transmitted primarily by cat-to-cat contact. These diseases undermine cat’s immune systems, making them susceptible to many other transmissible diseases. These viruses can lie dormant in your cat’s body for years. The American Association of Feline Practitioner’s ( recommends annual screening for these diseases as part of feline wellness visits. Knowing that our boarding guests are free of these diseases is another way of ensuring a healthy environment for all of our patients.)
- All cats must have a parasite-free fecal exam within the past 12 months (Why does my pet need to have a ‘parasite-free’ fecal exam? Intestinal parasites can be easily picked up and deposited through contact with infected soil (even indoor plant soil) as well as fecal matter, contact with other animals, etc. Many of these can also be harmful to humans, especially the very young and the elderly. Monthly preventatives definitely decrease the parasite load of your pet, but they are not 100% effective. In order to ensure that our environment stays parasite-free for your pet, we ask that your pet’s fecal matter be regularly inspected for parasites.)
- All cats must have had an exam by a licensed veterinarian within the past 12 months.
All cats must be on monthly external parasite (e.g. fleas) prevention, and ideally, on a preventative that prevents heartworms and internal parasites as well. (Why does my pet need to be on parasite prevention? External parasites have the potential to contaminate our hospital, thus putting other patients at risk. Approved monthly preventions are the best means of keeping your pet parasite free (see the list below). If your pet is found to have fleas, we will give Capstar (an oral tablet that kills fleas within 30 minutes, but has no long-term prevention). See “Why does my pet need to have a ‘parasite-free’ fecal exam?” above for the rationale regarding internal parasites.)